Thursday, November 3, 2011

Living inside a pickle jar

So, I've been dealing with this "Ring around" the bottom of our shower and this grime looking stuff that's a nasty color in the bottom. I clean my shower often, more often than you'd think by looking at the shower. Iiccckkkk! I can't stand the thought of standing in a dirty shower. Well, I have bleached, scrubbed, even used a razor blade. When all else failed, I went to Google to see what I could find. I kept reading people rave about baking soda and vinegar. Ok, I have these things on hand, so I guess it's worth a try.
What you need:
Baking Soda
Warm water (lucky me, I'm cleaning the shower)
So, I used the vinegar (in a spray bottle) to mist the walls and bottom floor of the shower. Then I sprinkled baking soda all over the "dirty" part. Misting with the vinegar helped the baking soda stick. I went back and sprayed a light mist of vinegar all over again. Of course it looked like a science project but I did leave it alone for the recommended 5-10 minutes. I went back with a scrub brush and it came right off. When done swiping with a brush, rinse with warm water. It's now back to the sparkling shower I knew was hiding underneath. I was very pleased with the results, so I started cleaning everything with vinegar and soda. We now live inside a pickle jar!

Another note: It also cleaned my drains :) Whoop Whoop. My curly long locks are no longer a challenge for our drains!

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