Friday, November 11, 2011

Scrub 'em up

Megan and I were up long after the boys in the house went to sleep. I decided it was time to make at least one thing today. Yes, it's 10Âșclock at night, but when will we find the house this quiet again? Definitely not during the day.
So, I decided to review a few recipes for hand scrub, tweak them just a little, use it and see if MY recipe would really work.
Naturally I have very dry hands. I usually carry two small bottles of B&BW's lotions in my purse year round. I've noticed over the past few weeks that my hands were more dry and brittle looking than past years. Probably because I'm getting older, but no ones hands should dry, crack and sometimes bleed. Mine are that dry! Putting on lotion should make hands feel great. But sometimes when I apply lotion, they burn like fire. That makes me want to avoid lotions all together but I know I can't.
Megan and I get busy, mixing, smelling and dabbing. So, this scrub-a-dub that we finally mixed up and liked, looked rather odd but Megan and I dipped two fingers in, scrubbed away.
True soft skin. Not only to they look better, but they also feel much better. That was only after one application.
It might seem like this would be sticky because of the ingredients, but I promise there is nothing sticky about this recipe if you do the following..... Just remember to completely rinse your hands in warm (not hot) water. Rinsing in cool or cold will result in excessive oily or sticky hands.

Here's what we came up with:

2¾ cups of granulated white sugar
1 cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
7 tablespoons of Lemon Juice
Fill up airtight container with mixture and keep sealed when you are not using.
We used this on our feet and oh my goodness, it worked wonderful! Our hands, feet, nails and cuticles look amazing! This is going to be a keeper for sure!
This was enough to fill up a pint size mason jar and a small maraschino cherry jar and a little to go ahead and use.
I'm sure if this is left to sit in the jar for awhile, then it will need to be stirred before using.
This would make a great gift for someone. After you put into a jar, decorate the lid, seal and add to a gift basket with other homemade goodies.
***The olive oil does not have a pleasent smell, natural essential oils can be added. Had someone tell me they add lemon extract to theirs for the smell. That would also work well. Essential oils can be purchased at a health food store or online.

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